Talent that empowers technology

Deliver results with our AI expert community

Unlock transformative solutions by connecting with highly skilled specialists in cutting-edge fields like natural language processing, computer vision, and deep learning. Our global talent pool is equipped to deliver tailored outcomes for your unique business needs.

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AI/ML Engineers
NLP Specialists
Computer Vision Engineers
Deep Learning Specialists
AI architects
Cloud AI specialists

Expertise That Matters

Trusted by Industry
Leaders Worldwide

Randstad Digital | Torc empowers organizations by connecting them with pre-vetted professionals skilled in cutting-edge technologies to drive innovation, optimize processes, and accelerate growth. Whether you’re building intelligent applications, scaling ML models, or navigating complex digital transformations, our talent delivers results. The future of hiring isn’t about options—it’s about outcomes.


of technology leaders fully integrate AI into core business strategies


of global companies have reported adopting AI to improve their business operations


of business leaders feel investor pressure to demonstrate AI returns

The Torc community has worked with the best companies in every industry

Industries we

Randstad Digital | Torc has a proven track record of helping businesses across industries embrace AI and achieve significant results:


Enhance diagnostics and improve patient outcomes with AI analytics.

Automotive & Aerospace:

Revolutionize vehicle design, enhance autonomous systems, and optimize safety with AI-power solutions.


Improve production efficiency through smart automation.


Optimize inventory and create personalized customer experiences.

Technology& Telecoms

Drive network optimization, improve customer experience, and enable next-generation solutions with machine learning.


Boost sales through AI-driven recommendations and demand forecasting.


Strengthen fraud detection and customer analytics using machine learning.

Powered by AI

Effortlessly manage project growth with our proprietary platform. Advanced algorithms and expert matching ensure you connect with top-tier professionals who deliver exceptional outcomes

Best Tech-Enabled Community

Torc up your talent pool with intuitive matches and AI-enabled search.


  • Fastest growing community of cloud-native devs
  • Best developer profiles
  • Tech-enabled decisions
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Enterprise Grade Partners

You sign, we deliver. White glove service to and through the duration of our partnership.


  • Dedicated customer success team throughout your engagement
  • Ongoing coaching and mentorship from Torc senior engineers
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You guys must
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Josh Deere
Director of Engineering SchoolStatus


The AIOps impact: transforming cloud operations for BFSI.
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Scaling AI Memory: How Zep’s Knowledge Graph Enhances Llama 3 Chat History
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How AI Revolutionizes Data Analytics in BFSI
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